Operand comes with a fast and powerful search feature.

⚡ Enter the word, or part of the word, you are looking for in the search field (1).

⚡ You can see the number of results (2) and clear the search field (3).

⚡ Click any of the results (4) to open the question form.

CleanShot 2021-10-05 at 11.48.30.png


⚡ Type /h in the search (1) field to view special search operators.

⚡ Type e.g. /c Yoda (2) to search for callouts containing "Yoda". This is often used to lookup questions assigned to a specific interviewer.

⚡ Type e.g. /t Luke (3) to search for titles containing "Luke". Other question fields will be ignored.


The following search operators are supported:

/a search answers only

/c search callouts only

/f search questions and titles only ("f" for find")

/l search tags only ("l" for labels)

/q search questions only

/t search titles only

/x list all entries having one or more attachments